Animal Clinical Trials Prove Can-C™ Safe and Effective “A new phenomenon of “melting snow” in only a few short weeks…
The testing of various anti-glycation agents over nearly a decade led a Russian research team to the development of n-alpha-acetylcarnosine as a delivery system for the natural eye anti-oxidant of L-carnosine.
How do Can-C™ (N-Acetyl-carnosine) eyedrops actually work?
Researchers found the healthy eye contains high levels of the natural antioxidant carnosine. Interestingly the eyes of those suffering from degenerative ocular diseases such as cataracts were found to be grossly deficient in this essential ocular antioxidant.
N-Acetyl-Carnosine (Can-C™) Eye Drops – The Cure For Cataract? A Doctor’s Point of View
Study results showed an effective rate of 100% on primary senile cataract (i.e. all patients experienced an improvement). For those with cataracts the longest, in some cases more than 20-years, the effective rate was still an extremely impressive 80%.
Animal Clinical Trials Prove Can-C™ Safe and Effective “A new phenomenon of “melting snow” in 96% of canines in only a few weeks…
These studies produced remarkably fast results in the improvement of clarity, glare sensitivity and overall vision for the animals involved. Furthermore, no serious side effects were noted and the beneficial affects were sustainable.