Just like us, our pets develop health issues and often experience vision problems as they age. Dogs in particular are known to develop eye diseases. Underlying conditions such as diabetes can cause eye diseases, such as glaucoma and cataract. These medical conditions are the leading cause of vision loss in dogs. Or simply getting older can lead to age-related macular degeneration.
Unfortunately, our canine friends can’t tell us when it’s getting harder to see; we have to be watchful for the key indicators of vision loss in our pets. It is easier to treat and reverse age-related vision problems if we recognize the signs early on.
How to tell if your dog is losing their eyesight?
- Pay attention to changes in your pet’s behavior. Diminished vision can make it hard for them to find or retrieve their toys when thrown.
- Is your pet easily surprised or are they bumping into things more often? Pets with reduced vision are less aware of their surroundings.
- Does you pet seem to have reduced energy levels or are they or not reacting to their favorite toys? They may simply have lost confidence in their ability to find their way.
- Depression can also be an indicator of impaired vision in dogs. Signs of vision loss include lethargy, lack of interest in their favorite activities, whining & decreased activity levels.
- Changes in your dog’s eyes, like cloudy pupils could be symptoms of cataracts. If you see gunk around their eyes if could be a sign of dry eye syndrome, which can lead to more serious vision problems.
- Does your dog have to sniff around to find their food dish? Loss of vision can often show up as a loss of appetite. Your pet may be having trouble locating their food. This makes it hard for them to maintain a healthy weight.
What should you do if there are signs of vision loss?
Thankfully, there are treatment options to protect our best friends’ eyesight and even help restore their vision. As a pet parent, you can follow a treatment plan to reduce their visual impairment and help them lead a happy life. Following are some suggestions that have a great success rate.
Pay attention to your pet’s nutrition
Make sure your dog’s diet contains nutrient-dense foods. Carrots and sweet potatoes are rich in Beta-Carotene. This compound supports healthy eyes by promoting Vitamin A production. Eggs contain lutein, which protects the eyes from sun damage and can help improve visual acuity.
Add movement to your dog’s daily routine
Getting at least an hour of movement each day is vital to ensure our dogs’ bodies remain youthful and healthy into old age. Activity helps get their blood pumping and keeps their heart and immune system healthy. Activities like walking, running, or playing are vital for our dogs’ physical health as well as their happiness and mood. Make sure they’ve had their lutein-containing foods if they’re going to be out in the sun for extended periods.
Canine vision supplements
As our dogs age, their eyesight is often one of the first things to deteriorate. Research has shown that specific amino acids, antioxidants, and vitamins will reduce the severity of age-related ocular disease. One such ingredient is N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC). Treatment with NAC has been shown to have a positive effect (both reversal and prevention) on canine cataracts. We utilize NAC and other proven ingredients in our Can-C eye drop and Nac-C Plus capsule. Clinical trials prove that these ingredients protect against and even repair common age-related eye conditions in canines:
- Cataracts, a clouding of the eye lens
- Glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration, a gradual loss of central vision
- Dry Eye Syndrome, irritation caused by a lack of eye lubrication
Cataracts are a direct result of oxidative stress
N-acetyL-Carnosine acts as a powerful antioxidant on a cataract-affected lens. When applied to the eye’s surface, N-Acetyl-Carnosine penetrates the cornea near the cataract, where it is then metabolized into L-Carnosine. Using Can-C NAC eye drops addresses the primary issue causing cataracts in dogs and may help reverse or even prevent cataract progression, improving vision and quality of life.1
Can-C™ scores high in canine clinical trials:
Studies have shown that N-Acetyl-Carnosine (NAC) has a positive effect on lens clarity in people and dogs with age-related cataracts. It can help areas that were previously clouded to clear up and is an effective treatment that can lead to improved vision, as well as helping to prevent the development of cataracts in the first place.2
- Clinical studies noted improved visual behavior in the animals within weeks of treatment.
- 96% of canine eyes treated with N-acetyl-carnosine (Can-C) showed notable improvements.
- Dogs with both immature and ripe cataracts showed significant visual improvement.
1. “N-Acetylcarnosine (NAC) Drops for Age-Related Cataract” Dubois & Bastawrous, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28245346
2. “Revival of the Lens Transparency with N-Acetylcarnosine” Babizhayev et. al., Current Drug Therapy, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2006, pg 91-116 https://www.eurekaselect.com/55159/article/revival-lens-transparency-n-acetylcarnosine